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COVID-19: Evolution, Adaptation, & Discomfort: SUCCESS.

Writer: JOFJOF


We've all been hearing it. The most unexpected, unlikely, and challenging times quite possibly EVER. We are talking numbers and statistics that could possibly give The Great Depression a run for it's money (pun intended). Or the Great Recession of '08/'09. But on top of all of the economical challenges, a global pandemic wreaking havoc within hospitals and populations across the world, UNPRECEDENTED...

What we are experiencing right now is REAL. There is no way around it. COVID-19 is upon us and it can be dangerous, especially to specific populations. We have been forced into isolation and governed sanctioned regulations requesting we stay at home and "shelter-in-place". For most, life as we know it is uprooted, halted, and became much more difficult. But there is a way around all of this. If you care to figure it out....



Our current status of life right now is unprecedented in some social manors, yes, but in business, it's not. Businesses are constantly being forced to reestablish, evolve, react, and change. When all of this unfolded weeks ago I QUICKLY reacted. I took nearly a brief moment to observe; to see how the economy would react, to see how businesses would handle theirs, to communicate to have a better understanding of the unfolding future. If there was one thing I recognized it was that if I did not evolve as a business, I would be GONE.

If you are in business then you know, forced adaptations occur OFTEN. Now, the term "often" is dependent on many factors. But nonetheless, even from a COMPETITION standpoint, if you do not evolve your business and constantly continue to change, even when forced not to, you WILL be passed up or become "extinct". This is what MANY people are experiencing now. During the most extreme of conditions, people are being LEFT for extinction (business, not literally) due to their inability to cope and adapt to the "new norm."


3 Main Points of Survival/Success

I have observed/listened much more than I have said in this industry without a doubt, but especially in business, and what I can tell you is that during times like this you NEED to find what works for you, but you NEED to pay attention to how others are finding success and what you can do to EVOLVE your OWN variation of that success.

The ones that are opinionated right now, loud, reckless, careless, and defying change are the ones that WILL struggle!

I have come up with 3 main points of survival/success for not only COVID-19 Quarantine business code, but also business in general.

Remember, people are not going to like when you are doing well, and if they aren't talking about you (even negatively) then you're doing something wrong!

Point 1: Offer Deals

When in business and offering a service, people love to feel CONSIDERED. Unless you are Jesus Christ yourself and you can make a miracle out of nothing, you are NOT too good to work within people's budget and to accommodate. That is if you want their business bad enough... If you feel as though you are above cutting a deal, good luck remaining consistent in business during a real economical recession/depression :)

Point 2: Get Uncomfortable

When shit goes down and you are a business owner/operator what are you going to do? Follow? Run and hide? Some of us don't have that option. And if you do, good for you, how does the silver spoon taste? Anyway, DISCOMFORT is the name of the game. I can't tell you the last time I was comfortable in this game, and I certainly can't tell you the last time I was CONTENT in this game. The moment you find that sensation BE AFRAID, because your competition is coming. And if it isn't your competition coming, it's a pandemic ready to sink your ship... Get uncomfortable behind the computer screen, video conferences, recordings, posting flyers, making calls, fronting services, ALL. OF. IT. All you have to lose is everything, and if you do nothing, it was already gone.

Point 3: Humble Yourself

You know that loud mouth in business that you can't quite figure out HOW he/she attracts or retains business? You know, never wants to ask questions but only prepared to provide low-quality answers? Produces garbage content and often times a mediocre service? Questions everyone else's business ethics and operations due to insecurity (they won't admit this one) but is in danger probably professionally but also financially/personally? Yeah, don't be that guy. The fastest way to be that guy is by neglecting and ignoring the points listed above. Now, I'm no genius, and I hope that you as the reader can see that these points are OBVIOUS, but I am simply speaking from experience. My own failures and what I see occurring amongst colleagues. What I can say is that in order to remain successful in business you NEED to be humbled. Especially in a service-type industry.

The last thing a customer or investor wants to hear/see is braggadocios behavior.

I've always said "the squeaky wheel gets the grease until the wheels fall off..."

Stay humble, ask questions, listen to your customers, observe the market, predict the upcoming demand, believe in yourself and know your worth but don't gouge.

And shame on the loud ones ruining it for the rest of us! Or, maybe entertaining the rest of us ;)


Unprecedented and unexpected are the two words that come to my mind when I think of my business failing, and that's the same thing I want ALL of you to consider. These times are VERY different and unexplored, but THAT. IS. LIFE. and that is business. If we could all predict the future of everything, there would be no volatility. Meaning there would be no new opportunity and no new room for new-findings. I challenge you to go away from this article and to stop feeling bad for yourself, but ask yourself WHAT can I do to stay in the game. And if your business is struggling (or has gone under), think about why. Were you the loud one?

COVID-19 out.....


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